see international Conference  2025

Submission Guidelines

submission requirements

Extended Abstract

Prepare an extended abstract of  1000-1500 words that provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of your research. It should include the key objectives, methodology, findings, and implications of your study. The abstract should clearly demonstrate the relevance of your research to the conference theme and sub-topics.

Formatting Guidelines

Ensure that your extended abstract and poster follows the specified word count and formatting guidelines. Use a clear and readable font, maintain consistent formatting, and include appropriate headings and subheadings to enhance readability.

Citations and References

Follow APA7 referencing and citation style. Here is the link for your support
Please note your papers will not be accepted if the paper quality does not match the standards of a peer reviewed journal paper.

submission process



Access the conference page to submit your extended abstract or poster presentation (only for students). Follow instructions provided to ensure a smooth process.

Review and


All submissions will undergo a blind review process by Track chairs, Reviewers and Industry experts. The scientific committee will make the final decision on the inclusion of the papers in the conference program.

Acceptance and


If your submission is accepted, you will receive an approval email from our team to confirm your attendance in the conference.

registration fees



Students & Researchers

$ 250

Academic Professionals &
Industry Practitioners

$ 465



publishing opportunities

After the completion of the peer-review process, the best papers
will be given an opportunity to be published in:
MDPI Academic Open Access

APC to be paid by the authors
IGI Global Academic Publisher of
Scientific Research

APC to be paid by the authors

best paper award

All submissions will be evaluated based on their contribution towards the advancement of practices and theory as well as their potential contribution to sustainability education, youth empowerment, innovation, climate action, net zero and circularity. The best papers will be awarded a prize, which will be announced at the Awards Ceremony of the conference.
Submit Your Paper

who should submit papers?

Representatives from academia (faculty, staff and students), industry and policymakers

Representatives from businesses and governments

Sustainability enthusiasts and professionals involved in change management towards sustainability.

Government officials, policymakers and researchers working on policy recommendations.

knowledge dissemination options

Plenary sessions / Oral presentations

Colloquium / Themed paper presentations

Round Tables / Garden Conversations / Talking Circles

Panel discussions

Poster presentation and competition

Workshops / Innovation Showcase

submit your paper
